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Gosiger News

CNC Machine Tools

At Gosiger, we work hard to make sure we stay on the cutting edge of CNC machine tools and technologies.

The world of machining and manufacturing can be traced all the way back to 1775 when John Wilkinson invented a cannon-boring machine - more commonly known as a lathe - while in England. Later, his machine was adapted for boring the cylinders of Boulton & Watt’s steam engines. Wilkinson’s process was the only one of its kind and was capable of producing smooth, tight tolerance bores that are required from steam engine cylinders.

Fast forward 43 years and Eli Whitney creates a milling machine that allows non-skilled machine operators to make high quality parts that are later used to make rifles for the government. This machine was so accurate that the parts could be moved on the x, y, and z axes by increments of 0.001” by turning a series of hand cranks.

The history of machine tools is rich and full of innovation, and at Gosiger, we strive to keep that tradition going. The computer numerical control (CNC) machines we distribute are manufactured by some of the most forward-thinking and inventive companies in the machine tool industry.

We view success as turning what was once manual labor into full-automated systems that increase your productivity, decrease manufacturing time, and benefit your company in ways you never thought possible.

For more information on how CNC machine tools distributed by Gosiger can help your shop or company, contact us today.