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Join us at our Indianapolis facility for our Gosiger-led training programs with dedicated machines and floor space for class training.

▸ State-of-the-art conference space next to the training and showroom floor.
▸ Okuma MULTUS single-spindle B300 with P200 control
▸Okuma LB-15 with 5000L control
▸ Okuma LB3000 with P300 control

Register Now Request Customized Training

Gosiger-led Programs

Basic Electrical Controls

At any Gosiger location

This program is an introduction to the CNC Control IO and also focuses on using the DMM and Megger as well as understanding electrical components and control circuits.

As Requested

Nomura Mechanical Class

At Gosiger Dayton

As Requested

P200/300 Controls Maintenance

At Gosiger Indiana


Lathe Mechanical Maintenance

At Gosiger Indiana


MULTUS Mechanical Maintenance

At Gosiger Indiana

Coming Soon

Using the Floppy to USB Replacement

Online Course

As Requested

Renishaw Ballbar / Laser Class

At any Gosiger location

As Requested

Lathe Programming

At any Gosiger location or on-site

As Requested

Mill Programming

At any Gosiger location or on-site

As Requested

Request Customized Training

If you have questions or would like to request customized training at either Gosiger or your facility, fill out the form below, and we'll reach out shortly.